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"Conquer Your Mountain", How To Make Your Dreams A Reality

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Altitude Elements 4

Mike Allsop talks about how to conquer your mountain, using his example of climbing Mount Everest he shows us the tools we need, that can be applied to our everyday lives or business when goal setting and make our dreams a reality.

Last night I attended a fantastic event organised by Attain to launch their Inner Circle and with Mike Allsop as Keynote speaker.  Not only has he climbed Mount Everest, run 7 marathons in 7 days, but he is also a commercial airline pilot, motivational speaker, adventurer and proud dad.

Mike was a master storyteller and recounted his journey to climb Mount Everest whilst giving us an insight into what he called his “Toolbox” for motivation and goal setting through to achieving our goals.  These skills can be used in our everyday lives but also in our business.


Number one in the Toolbox was Dream.  We need passion to get us out of bed in the morning and drive our goals.  He talked about feeding the funnel to find your focus.  Do not be afraid to dream big, if you believe you can do it you will set in motion actions to make it happen.  Whatever your dream is, the first step to making it a reality is to give it a deadline, so it is set in stone and this will make you believe it is achievable and start setting little actions in motion working towards making it a reality.  Action drives motivation and small actions build. 


Next you need a strong plan.  On a whiteboard write down your goal and then break it down into tiny parts.  Not only should you map out how you are going to get there and the actions you need to take, but also visualise the challenges you will face along the way and how you will overcome them.  In business or in life, obstacles can come from the side and are usually unforeseen, take covid for example – who saw that coming?  The best lessons can come from failure, but as Mike says they do not have to be your own failings, we can learn from other people’s failures.

Climbing Everest, the biggest reason people fail is punctuality.  But what about in your industry?  What hurdles or challenges do people face?  Then visualise these challenging situations and how you would handle them, this mentally prepares you with the tools to cope when challenging times do arise.  When we hit hard times, we need to be resilient and focus on the basics.  When we are overwhelmed, we can then fall back to the basics to see us through. 

Never Give Up

Most importantly we must not be afraid to fail.  Mike spoke about the 2:1 Principle, that often it is two steps forward and one step back, but if we keep moving forwards we will get to where we need to go. 

“Small actions drive your motivation to conquer your mountains” Mike Allsop

So, no matter what your goal is, no matter how big, if we believe we can and set a timeline, then we can take the actions necessary to make our dreams a reality.